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Software Outsourcing
Our software outsourcing services helps customer to utilize maximum resources to focus their core value, reduce cost in software development and infrastructure management via improving working productivity and performance. We also provide high-technologies and solutions to speed up their development progress with the best quality commitment with the best cost.
Our ability
Lower cost, higher quality
With young cheap manpower we are confident to provide outsourcing services for customer with the best cost to blow up every wondering about finance of customer. Our development team also has many years experienced in working with overseas customers. If you are considering about production cost while still want to keep business up, please contact with us.
International standard process
Our service is strong cooperation between human and machine, process and tools. We apply both CMMi and Agile process with support of management tools like Redmind, Microsoft Project Professional, JIRA, Trello, Slack, Git,… to ensure the best management and quality for success of every projects.
We provide services flexibly by customer requires. You can choose many options as online, offline or mix of both, you can choose outsourcing service by each step (design, coding, testing…) or all of them. We also support for both fixed price contract or time material contract. This feature in our service can help customer to be easy in choosing the best and suitable method with business demand.